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DH.98 Mosquito

The production list contains 7777 entries against the generally quoted total of 7781.

Variations from other publications are shown below

View the Mosquito production list by clicking text file here or right click to download (Tab separated text file 377kb)

Construction numbers

UK production:

C/ns ran from 98001 to 98999 and then 981000 onwards

The first 80 aircraft (W4050-W4099 and DD600-DD629) has c/ns running in sequence from 98001 to 98080.

Thereafter c/ns were not allocated in order.

Other known c/ns are:

DZ411=98421 (to G-AGFV)

HJ680=98723 (to G-AGGC)

HJ681=98730 (to G-AGGD)

HJ718=98740 (to G-AGGE)

HJ720=98742 (to G-AGGF)

HJ721=98743 (to G-AGGG)

HJ723=98750 (to G-AGGH)

RG233=982827 (to N9870F)

RG300=983157 (to N9871F)

RK952=984597 (Brussels Museum)

PF670=PAC.LF30 (Percival Aircraft Luton built)

Australian production:

Separate c/ns were allocated to Australian produced aircraft starting at DHA3001

The Australian aircraft were subsequently modified to PR41 standard and new c/ns were given commencing at DHA3213.

The new c/ns appear to have been issued in the order that conversion was undertaken

The only known c/n is DHA3236 which applies to A52-210

Canadian production:

A separate c/n sequence was also applied to Canadian aircraft but details are not known


Canadian reconciliation:

Most references quote a Canadian total of 1133 or 1134 aircraft.

Most list 1066 aircraft. To reconcile to my total:

1. Add KA442,443,445-449 All have RCAF history cards

2. Add KA451-540 (90) Aircraft built post-war and supplied to China

3. Query KA928/9 (-1) most sources say neither produced and no RAF card for either.

4. Delete KA898-927 (-30) not built.

5. Add KA441,444,450 (3). All built per British Military serials book and have RAF history cards

6. Delete KA287,377 (-6) Not built per British Military serials book and no RAF history cards

But query 287 and 377 as some sources list as built.

This gives a new total of 1133 which agrees to some publications.

Alternatively include KA928 or 9 to give 1134.

UK production:

1. Add VP342-355 Mk T3 aircraft built. All have history cards.

2. Add TH976 History card exists.

3. Add DZ239,539 T3/FBIV History cards exist. Batch doesn't add to round number without them.

4. Add TS444,449 TR33 prototypes

5. Deduct RS581 No card. Not included in any serials book.

6. Add MT500 NF30. History card exists. Batch doesn't add to round number without it.

7. Add HJ824-833 FBVI. History cards exist. Batch doesn't add to round number without them

8. Add HJ851 T3. History card exists. Batch doesn't add to round number without it

9. Deduct HR536-538 No history. Batch doesn't add to 500 with them

10.Add HR648-649 FBVI History cards exist. Batch doesn't add to round number without them

11.Add HX849-850 Sometimes excluded because they collided on test flight and weren't delivered.

Queries/Unknown military-civil tie-ups

MM277 said to be N4928V also A52-177



VH-ZVZ was ex RRAF4221 misquoted as c/n 15392 RRAF119