By the late 1930s all the World War One Luftstreitkräfte records had been moved from the Heeresarchiv in Potsdam to the Luftarchiv in Berlin's Kronenstraße, which was destroyed by Allied bombing in 1945. Consequently, relatively few souces, mainly German compilations from the pre-World War Two period, are all that is left to consult.
Ashoff, Walter; "Londonflüge 1917 - Der Kampf des ersten Englandgeschwaders". Verlag Ludwig Boggenreiter, Potsdam, 1940.
Bülow, Major Freiherr von; "Die Angriffe des Bombengeschwader 3 auf England". Articles in the magazine "Die Luftwacht" - No.5 May 1927 page 262 etc; No.6 June 1927 page 331 etc; No.7 July 1927 page 381 etc; and No.8 August 1927. (There is an English translation in AIR 1/2126/207/79/48).
Der Kommandierende General der Luftstreitkräfte, "Nachrichtenblatt der deutschen Luftstreitkräfte". Weekly reports of the Luftstreitkräfte 1.3.1917 to 29.8.1918. IWM E.97/60.
Eberhardt, Generalleutnant a.D. Walter von; "Unsere Luftstreitkräfte 1914 - 18". Vaterländischer Verlag C.A. Weller, Berlin, 1930. This large work contains a number of accounts written by different individuals concerning aeroplane raids on England:-
Walter, Hauptmann a.D. Richard, "Bombengeschwader III - Brandenburg", pp 137 to 144.
Lorenz, Oberleutnant a.D. Dr. jur Fritz, "Bei Nacht über London", pp 221 to 224.
Schoeller, Hauptmann a.D. Arthur, "Mit dem Riesenflugzeug R27 über England!, pp 441 to 444.
There is also a 91 page necrology published as an appendix to "Unsere Luftstreitkräfte 1914 - 18":-
Major s.D. Wilhelm Zickerick (Prussians), Paul Gartner (Bavarians), Max Schubert (Saxons), and Georg Strass (Württembergers), "Verlustliste der deutschen Lufttreitkräfte in Weltkrieg".
Großen Generalstab; "Die Schlachten und Gefechte des Großen Kriegs 1914 - 1918". Verlag Hermann Sack, Berlin, 1919. Lists of aerial operations on all fronts. Not very detailed.
Höppner, General der Kavallerie Ernst von, "Deutschlands Krieg in der Luft", Verlag K.F. Koehler, Leipzig, 1921. Section entitled "Bombenangriffe auf England - London" pp 110 to 112, and "Nächtliche Bombenangriffe - London" pp 119 to 120. See pp 111 to 112 for Brandenburg's Report of 13 June 1917.
Neumann, Major a.D. Georg Paul, "Die deutschen Lufttreitkräfte im Weltkrieg", Verlag Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn, Berlin, 1920. Chapter 4, section g:- 'Bomben und Nachtflüge', (by Major a.D. Keller and Oberstlt. a. D. Siegert) pp 428 to 450.
Also useful was "Casualties of the German Air Service 1914 to 1920", by Norman Franks, Frank Bailey and Rick Duiven, Grub Street, London, 1999, and extracts from official German communiqués published in the national press and in the magazine "Flight" as part of their regular feature "The 'X' Aircraft Raids" covering X (31 May 1915) to X100 (5/6 August 1918). The German web site '' was also helpful.